September 10, 2011

Another Quick Healthy Ice Cream and a Great Salad Recipe

Since my peanut butter chocolate squares kind of failed (but still taste yummy), I decided I would make tons of that banana ice cream. I bought SOO MANY BANANAS! There were probably 18 to be exact. My blender even gave up on me after an hour of blending and blending and blending.

I mentioned in the other post that I put Nutella in and it was pretty tasty. Well, today I tried this other quick healthy ice cream recipe that called for 1 banana and 2 table spoons of cocoa. Okay, so again I was experimenting and just had several bananas with two tablescoops of Ghiradelli's cocoa powder. I honestly thought it wasn't good. With my peanut butter chocolate squares, I decided to add a "buttload" (about two-three whopping soup spoonfuls) of peanut butter into the mixture - that tasted quite a bit better.

Eunice Deeds later mentioned on this pin that honey was mentioned as a "fix" to this little recipe, so check out the original link! I am going to have to try it out and see what I think. I added some fresh raspberries to mine later tonight, and that was pretty good, too.

In the end, though, I did not serve any dessert for the guests we hosted tonight. Mr. W. and I served them stir fry and rice, some great Costco rolls, and this salad:

My-Favorite-Salad-Mom-Made-at-Home Salad 

A bowl full of spinach leaves, tossed with diced pears, sprinkled with crumbled feta cheese (this is the key ingredient), mixed with candied walnuts, and dressed with raspberry vinaigrette.

What you need:
Some Pears (or strawberries, blueberries, grilled chicken...)
Crumbled feta cheese
Brown Sugar
Raspberry Vinaigrette
(measurements depend on how much you want to make or what taste you're looking for)

How to make the candied walnuts:
In a small frying pan, on medium heat, melt the brown sugar. As soon as it has begun to melt, stir in the walnuts. You can even keep the walnuts in the pan while the brown sugar is warming up. Just make sure the sugar melts and you can mix the walnuts around so they are coated with some sugar.

There you have it!

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